Car Selling Platforms Available to Used Car Sellers

Hasnah Seif
4 min readSep 28, 2021


There are various ways through which a car seller can sell their used car including car dealerships, classified websites, and specialist car buying companies. First-time car sellers often have a difficult time in the used car market as they are not well-aware of the best practice for selling a used car. The most important practice that they need to master is determining the best platform that they can use for selling their vehicle. They will especially face challenges if they do not research and start the process. Therefore, it is best to learn about the available platforms, the services they offer, and the price variation that can be expected with each. This way they can save their time and select the platform that will give them the best price and selling experience.

The following information can be considered as a guide for new car sellers to sell with minimum hassle.

Selling the Used Car through Car Dealerships

Car sellers often consider car dealerships as authentic platforms as they have been part of the automotive industry for many years. Although they are professionals in their field with ample knowledge about car market trends, they cannot be considered the best platform for selling a used car. Car dealers skillfully negotiate and trick car sellers into accepting whatever price or deal they are offering. Therefore, to make the most of the deal, car dealers will offer a price that is lower than the market price of the vehicle. They also do not offer the price estimate to car seller free of charge. So, car seller should be prepared to pay them an estimation fee as well.

Car dealerships often deal with preferred brands so only car sellers who have cars from those brands are catered by these car dealers. The rest will have to find some other dealership or platform. Another thing to watch out for with car dealerships is the trade-in deals that they offer. They seem convenient with the car seller selling their used car and getting a replacement in one transaction. However, it may not benefit them as much as individual transactions as they cannot expect a discount on the replacement and their demanded price for the used vehicle in the deal.

Selling the Used Car through Classified Websites

First-time car sellers will face difficulty with this platform as well because they are required to undertake the process themselves. The process begins with ad placement on the website with price, details, and picture along with the contact details of the car seller. An interested buyer can view the ad and contact the seller. They can then set up a meeting and proceed with the process otherwise keep on waiting.

The platform does not support car sellers in case of fraud or any aspect of the process. The car needs to be priced by the car sellers themselves, which can be tricky. Most car sellers just match prices with other sellers on the platform resulting in underpricing or overpricing their vehicle. The process does not assure the car seller will be able to sell the vehicle and how long it will take for them to sell it.

Selling the Used Car through Specialist Car Buying Companies

First-time sellers should try to use a platform that provides them a safe and transparent car selling experience. With specialist car buying companies, they can easily sell their used car after a rapid two-step car evaluation. The first step is the online estimate that is calculated through the car valuation tool. The tool will require basic information about the car and provide an estimated market price in a few seconds. This leads to the second step which is the physical inspection of the vehicle. For this, car sellers need to book an appointment with the company’s car experts. The thorough inspection is concluded quickly with the car seller getting the final price for the vehicle. The estimation process is free of charge and car sellers can choose to refuse the offer if they are not satisfied.

If they want to sell the vehicle, they need to sign the sales agreement. The payment is done via an electronic bank transfer once the car is deregistered. The post-sale paperwork is prepared by the specialist car buying company. Car sellers have the opportunity to sell their used cars through a transparent and hassle-free process with specialist car buying companies. The price offered for the vehicle reflects the market price of the vehicle ensuring that they do not bear any financial loss.


Selling a used car after thoroughly understanding the available car selling platforms will assure that the car sellers do not make any mistakes. They can make sure that the used vehicle gets a fair price, and they have a hassle-free experience.

